Giannelli's Online Gallery

Giannelli's online gallery...a magical space where my art comes to life and explodes with colors, telling a story of beauty and freedom…well at least to me it does. This online gallery is not just a collection of pictures; it's like my personal art diary, a place where I showcase what's in my heart and express my journey to becoming the artist I am today.


Sunflowers Bloom at Night

This Sunflower serves as a bright light that guides through life's garden, offering lessons of strength, and an appreciation for the rotation of seasons. As we observe these bright blooms, we can gain inspiration from the sunflower's wisdom, allowing it to infuse our lives with its powerful spirit and encouraging us to bloom fully even when surrounded by darkness.


Seek Within

As you look at the canvas, it feels like a journey of discovery… with each stroke of the brush revealing a part of the unique story. By turning our attention inward and exploring our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, we can better understand our behaviors, motivations, and patterns. This self-awareness can lead to personal transformation, healing, and the ability to make choices that align with our authentic selves.


Vibrant Streets of Bushwick

Growing up in Bushwick has had a deep impact on my creativity and personal growth. This neighborhood has a deep history of being a focus for creative individuals, which has shaped its identity and atmosphere.  This artwork is a visual celebration of my unique experiences and deep emotional connection to Bushwick.  It’s the block I was born and raised on and learned so many life lessons.


The Streets Alive

Growing up in Bushwick has been an ongoing journey of self-discovery. Through the lens of my artwork, I celebrate my strength and honor my memories that have shaped my identity. Bushwick is not only a location; it
is a living canvas that continues to inspire, nurture, and guide me as I grow on my journey.


Become Who You Are

A reminder to strive towards becoming the best version of yourself…each day is an opportunity for growth and improvement. Embrace challenges as chances to learn, and celebrate your successes, no matter how small…it all matters.


Dirty Mirror

Find beauty in imperfections, appreciate the transformative power of life's ups and downs, and welcome the colorful splatters that make up the canvas of our existence.


The Hero's Journey

Like a hero walking through a city, life is a vibrant and moving journey…where every turn and intersection presents a chance for growth, self-discovery, and


Life Is a Comedy

Laughter can distract us from our problems. It allows us to shift our focus away from the worries we are experiencing, giving us a break from stress and allowing us to gain a new outlook.  Laughter can help us find grace and hope in challenging situations. It allows us to see the humor or irony in our struggles, allowing us to approach them with a more positive mindset. It doesn't mean that we are ignoring our problems, but rather finding a way to navigate through them with a little humor.


Full Circle

The idea behind life coming full circle invites us to recognize the patterns, connections, and cycles that occur in our lives. It encourages us to embrace the idea of closure, growth, and the possibility for new beginnings as we navigate the journey of life.


A Beautiful Mess

Life's traumas, often messy and hard contribute to shaping our stories. The scars and imperfections become a part of our individual stories, adding meaning and strength to our experience.


Black Tears

By embracing our vulnerability and allowing ourselves to cry, we open ourselves up to healing, growth, and a deeper understanding of ourselves.  It encourages us to recognize that vulnerability and release are important parts of our emotional well-being, and that true strength lies in allowing ourselves to be authentic and unashamed in expressing our feelings.


Peach Blossom Whispers

Just as nature whispers its wisdom, the painting suggests that there is wisdom and guidance to be found in the face of setbacks. It encourages the viewer to listen closely and trust their intuition when faced with obstacles.


Family Roots

Embracing both Dominican and Puerto Rican heritage, this artwork is a symbol of unity and cultural pride…and a reminder to continue learning my history.


Be Free

Freeing yourself is a personal journey that takes different forms based on your goals and what you value. It means making a conscious effort to break away from internal or external limitations and live a life true to yourself.


Wings of Wonder

Butterflies often symbolize freedom. They begin as caterpillars, bound to the ground, until they transform into butterflies and can freely fly in the sky. In the same way, an abstract butterfly painting, with its undefined lines and vibrant colors, breaks free from the chains of traditional, realistic art. The freedom to interpret the painting in different ways lies with the viewer, mirroring the concept of freedom.


My Pain is my POWER

By recognizing and embracing vulnerability, we can work towards healing and use our experiences to connect with others who may be going through similar struggles.  For me, pain has been a source of creativity. It has fueled my artistic expression and has become the way I process and communicate my emotions.  Using pain as motivation has helped me understand what I need to heal.