Poem: Take A Look Inside and Watch the Sunflowers Come Alive.

Poem: Take A Look Inside and Watch the Sunflowers Come Alive.

In the garden of my soul, where sunflowers bloom,

A journey begins, releasing all the gloom.

Petals expand, like arms reaching wide,

Embracing self-love, on this healing tide.


Within the soil of scars, where pain resides,

I search within, where the sunflower guides.

Its golden face turns towards the light,

A metaphor for healing, pure and bright.


Through the shadows of doubt, I find my way,

Gazing within, to a brighter day.

Each petal whispers, a story I supposed,

Of strength growing from a heart once cold.


In the echo of silence, my spirit hears,

The soft murmur of hopes, hiding fears.

The sunflower stands tall, in fields of power,

A symbol of resilience, growing every hour.


As I look inside, through the layers of me,

I find the courage, the strength to be free.

A healing dance, with the sunflower's sway,

I reclaim my heart, with each passing day.


Self-love, a journey, a sacred art,

Nurtured by the sunflower's soft heart.

In the garden within, where answers reside,

I discover the healing, in self-love, I confide.

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Wow! This is inspiring.


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